Monthly Archives: February 2012

Dear IT job seeker – a word in your shell like…please RT or comment #millshill

You might think that ‘job security’ is your #1 prime consideration right now given the fragile economy?

But hang on a minute, whilst your constructing an impenetrable fortress around your job/empire consider this:

There is an IT skills shortage at the moment. c40% of companies are experiencing problems hiring suitably qualified IT staff. Over half of those expect that situation to get worse.

So whilst you’re sat there you’re probably missing out on a whole swathe of new opportunities – new skills, new accreditations, new projects, new challenges.

Do you want to move your IT career forward or stagnate in security?

Have a peek over your fortress wall – you may be pleasantly surprised.

Neil – MillsHill – 01803 321233

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How can the UK enhance and inspire superior technology skills in the workforce? – ITWorks

How can the UK enhance and inspire superior technology skills in the workforce? – ITWorks.

Interesting snippet from this article?

…over 40% of employers struggle to fill these skilled roles; over half expect this to increase…

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